5 Actions To Boost Business using digital marketing

1. Social Media Pages

Create a page on social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and start posting images, videos, a quiz to create brand engagement. Post tips and tricks regarding your products, services. Make videos of your experiences in your field that help your audience to know more in detail.

Collect and post your testimonials on your page. Tag your friends and family which helps you in reaching their connections. Especially on Instagram, use the “Add Place” option while posting.

For example, if your office is in the Camp area, add “Camp” in your post using the “Add Place” feature. As a large number of people see and search posts in a particular area.

2. Update LinkedIn Profile

Nowadays LinkedIn profile is just like a digital visiting card. Update your LinkedIn profile with small articles and industry-specific hashtags. Compared to Facebook & Instagram Linked organic (non-paid) reach is much better through hashtags.

Quarantine is a golden opportunity to explore different features of LinkedIn as well as joining specific groups. These groups can be from our same industry or from our target audience industry.

3. Redesign The Website Content

It’s a bitter truth !!! Have you remember last you update your website content?

Once again vacant quality time can be used to redesign our website content and Google love website with updated content. Also, it helps you in getting better ranking.

As we proceed in our business we get more experience but we forget to update our services, products on the website. As time passes we come across more good factors of our service/product but we forget to update it on our website.

4. Create Quality Video Content

Most of us don’t prefer to read blogs instead we prefer to watch the video. Video has become the most preferred medium for sharing content as it gets more engagement. Also, it helps in presenting your personality to your viewers.

You can simply record video from your mobile and use simple software like Viva Video, Kinemaster for non-experienced video makers. Adobe premiere rush, FilmoraGo for more experienced video makers.

5. Upgrade Your Knowledge Through Online Courses

As we all know knowledge is the key to success. But in this competitive era, one has to be updated with the new information from their industry. Depending on the industry you can search for the courses on Google.

In this quarantine period, many good online courses are selling at rock bottom prices or some are even free for a short duration. Also, as they are online you don’t need to travel and you can see them whenever you want. Udemy, Harvard University, LinkedIn learning program.